From April 2024
we are able to search inside papers.This is a very powerful tool, because once you have selected a concept (or an Institution) it is easy to search inside all papers.
Keep in mind all filter are set, will be considered, so if you change the date (start date of listed papers, it will be considered in the text search as well.
Keep in mind all filter are set, will be considered, so if you change the date (start date of listed papers, it will be considered in the text search as well.
So create a case: I've to go to Rome, into University la Sapienza and I'm selling kit for Luminex. I can start with pubmed, website, and my CRM... 20 minutes already passed.
I open Biorecommender, Institute, I type Sapienza... and select Sapienza University of Rome.
In the Institution Works (all works of the Institute), i start to filter 2023 (I overwrite the default 2022 with 2023.
In the text search field I start to write "Luminex" (Red square in the image)

Now I've all people involved in the papers with "Luminex" inside. I can produce a report (Orange button right down after the star) and select all interesting people.
Why I've some people from USA or Belgium in the report?
Because they are authors or co-authors as well, so they are listed. The only position I can know is the "first author", no way to change this, but it is a good job till now isnt' it?
Because they are authors or co-authors as well, so they are listed. The only position I can know is the "first author", no way to change this, but it is a good job till now isnt' it?